Sunday, September 18, 2011

Wi Sheep and Wool Festival

my fiber world for 4 days

 This fair is like being in  a total fiber world for 4 days.  It is not a real world but it sure is warm and friendly and above all colorful.  My normal life comes to a halt and I am just immersed in fibery goodness everywhere I look.  From the knitters talking and knitting in the coffee line to the newborn lambs in the barn it is amazing that wool can bring this many people together.
The truck was packed to the gills and I don't think that I could have fit one more thing in; although it would have been good if I had remembered the little bag with the parts that holds my shelves together! Good thing that my friend Nan was coming up to help on Saturday, and that no one leaned on the shelves  in the meantime.  Death by yarn would have been tragic.
Now I am just home from the second fair in 2 weeks (the Drifltless Area Art Fair). After weaving like a madwoman for the week in between the 2 fairs, I am currently in a basically brain dead state and will post pics from that fair soon; I am finding typing, rather more difficult than usual, so hopefully this post makes some kind of sense.
Tomorrow is our monthly weavers gathering and I am looking forward to some serious relaxing with friends that I haven't seen enough of lately.

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