Sunday, July 1, 2012

fiber art

Colleen Carroll's fiber art displayed at the Driftless Cafe

The piece on the right is one of my favorites/ photo by Colleen Carroll

My daughter and I had the pleasure of enjoying a lavender iced tea and coffee cake at the Driftless Cafe in town, while getting a look at Colleen Carroll's wonderful fiber art displayed on the walls.  It was a little hard to get pictures without interupting the patrons meals but we managed a few. (Sorry about the blurry ones, phone photography is iffy at best)
I first met Colleen when I had my yarn shop and was inspired by her sense of color and style in the wool items that she consigned through the shop.  Now; we all know that wool is magical, but what she does with wool takes it to a new level.  It is so wonderful to know that she is still creating and able to bring art and her own personal expression into something as simple and elemental as wool fibers.  Colleen, you have always inspired me and sharing this show will, I am sure inspire many others.  Bravo!

1 comment:

  1. Love the fiber art. And that coffeecake is amazing. The next time I head south to visit my parents, I will stop by the Driftless Cafe.

    Lavendar ice tea?
