Tuesday, October 2, 2012

the scarves of summer

my treasure
bamboo spaced warp scarves

my favorite
mixed warp scarf with bamboo weft/ M's and O's bamboo scarf

rayon chenille with bamboo weft and  rosepath inlay

Rayon chenille shawl with bamboo weft and rosepath inlay

 I am recovered enough from my marathon weaving to feel a little sorry for my empty looms.  I probably won't remedy it tomorrow though; because I am hoping to talk my hubby off his bike, and into our kayaks for what looks like our last nice day for awhile. Fall in the midwest is spectacular and I am finally finding time to play with my camera, so more pics, soon.


  1. Your scarves are a riot of lovely colors not unlike this fall.

  2. Goodness gracious me, you have been BUSY!

  3. Your favorite is my favorite....is that bamboo?
    Just lovely.
    The bamboo spaced warp ones are awesome as well.

  4. Thanks for the compliment. The green scarves are a variety of warp threads and the weft isn't favorite funky green bamboo.

  5. Amazing! You have been so busy! I'm completely in love with your colour choices.
