Sunday, April 21, 2013

2nd Monday at Elin's

 Can't believe it is mid April as I look out the window and see it snowing as if it could be January.  It's a good thing that there are days, like our 2nd Monday weavers gathering that help maintain a sense of joy and dare I say; sanity.
 This month Elin and Bob showed off the remodeling that they had just completed on their kitchen.  It made an already inviting house even more so.  Our "bring a dish to pass" cause I am having pizza, turned into a feast, so that was all good.  It was fun to see Bob's newest old car purchase, I can easily say that is the most beautiful car I've ever seen.  Go to my flickr page to see more pics. Once again I can never remember the name of things but it was the reddest, coolest car ever.  Although I'd be thinking I'd need another loom if my husband came home with that.Just sayin....
Thanks Elin for another fun gathering.

no one went away hungry

Elin was rightly proud of her new kitchen

Knitted slippers from Olga's mother.
our favorite inspiration books and a coverlet Susan brought in  that was woven in strips and joined.

Elin's husband Bob has an amazing collection of old and beautiful vehicles
pretty sure this is weld/ and the seed stalks that Elin shared seeds from

Some of Elin's projects: silk dyed scarf/ hand dyed warps in rayon for the handwoven scarves

Scenes from Elin's dye studio.  Yarns dyed with natural dyes
The dye house


  1. Great photos once again Angie. A little change from the venue -- the car shots, fun stuff!

  2. Beautiful Blog and wonderful photos! It looks like you ladies know how to enjoy yourselves on 2nd Monday's. Elin forwarded this blog, I'm a friend of Elin's from Racine and belong to 2 quilt groups. I'll have to share this blog idea, however, I know our food can't compare to yours. Keep eating hearty and healthy ladies! Thanks Elin for sharing.
