Thursday, May 16, 2013

spring gathering

Last Monday, our 2nd Monday gathering was at my home. Spring is here in all of her unpredictable beauty; which explains why I was whipping the sheets off some of my outdoor flowers as people made their way up the driveway.  My little beauties survived 2 nights of frost and now I am hoping that we are done with that.  Those last lingering bits of  snowflakes/hail/sleet are still too fresh in my memory.  Now it is time to rejoice in the orioles, indigo buntings and scarlet tanagers that are flocking my feeders.
It was great to share the day with friends old and new.  Angela has just found her way to our group and I hope that she was as inspired by the projects, camaraderie, laughter and good food as I always am.  What is usually a feast of healthy salads and veggies turned into a desert fest this time. Yea!  My only regret being that I didn't try some of Elins's pound cake.  But you can't have your cake and eat it too, or some such nonsense.  Anyway, no one went away hungry.
Kathy's spice cake
Ninja the cat lovin on Elin's rugs
Elin's scarves and Nan's recent handspun yarns

New and beautiful, rya weave flowers from Susan of Avalanche Looms played nicely with  my Swedish lace  mosquito net or myggtjall scarf of organic cotton/Habu tsumugi silk

Elin's rug made from wool roving spun with a jute core.


  1. Love this photo diary - a great way to remember the day of friends, food and fiber.
