Wednesday, June 12, 2013

2nd monday at Char's

 Char and Bob of Fiber Ridge Farm invited our group of weavers to see their farm; complete with alpacas, llamas, sheep, dogs, kittens and chickens galore.  I have finally found someone with more fiber than me; and a such a prolific and beautiful collection of looms and spinning wheels, in all shapes and sizes, be still my heart.  When Char said she collected spinning wheels, I should have taken her seriously.  It was so fun taking pictures, when there was another fiber surprise everywhere I looked.
And then there was the incredible meal of: pirogi's, sausage and sweet and sour cabbage that her hubby so generously made for us. Yea for man cooking! And yea for seconds....
Thanks Char for a fun day away from my weaving/weeding  rotation as I try to build inventory for some upcoming fairs while also trying to keep ahead of the weeds.  Both appear never ending.

pirogi made by Char's hubby Bob...Yum
More spinning wheels than you can shake a stick at

Kris's felting/my Swedish lace shawl/ Barb's quilt/ Denise's garland

Char has Icelandic and Shetland sheep, not sure which these are