Wednesday, June 26, 2013

spinning class

Looks like they are having fun
the new Sidekick folding wheel next to my 20 years old, well loved Schact Matchless
oops, Nathalie accidentally spinning her scarf into her yarn.

nothing more beautiful than beginner yarn

new bulky flyer on my Schact Matchless

I had the pleasure to teach a spinning class recently to 3 enthusiastic students.  My friend Nan had some experience and got to try out some  novelty yarn plying techniques while Nathalie and Heidi picked their favorite wheel and with much laughter mixed with typical, "this isn't as easy at it looks" beginner frustration, managed to spin their first beautiful skeins of yarn.  I had forgotten how fun it is to teach beginning spinning and will look for ways to do it more often.  I love watching them reach their "aha" moment when their hands catch up with their brains, or visa versa; and briefly everything is under control.

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