Tuesday, July 1, 2014

of tornados and yarn shops

After last months fiber fair, in Mineral Point, I decided to take some of my hand dyed yarns and cards to show the lovely ladies at de la Pear. Such a fun shop to explore and I hope to go back often. And now that they are selling my yarn and cards, all the better.

While exploring the area with my hubby, tornado sirens went off, and listening to the radio it sounded like we were right in the path of a severe storm,with tornados sighted. His solution was to head north and try to get out of its path. Who hoo...nothing like a little danger to spice up your yarn shop hopping. Our little carriage house B&B had a note warning you to take shelter in their basement tornado shelter if sirens went off and that they would check on you but not until there was an all clear. ....does this happen here a lot? And no way was I going in their creepy tunnel shelter.

I hope you enjoy the pics of this quaint little, former Cornish mining town, in southwestern Wisconsin.

De la Pear
I loved combining a yarn shop with architectural salvage
Lots of arty little free libraries all over town
Would you go in there?


  1. Yes, yes I would go in the tornado shelter creepy or not. Having survived our Ef5 tornado in November I know first hand what a tornado can do. Your life is worth more than being creeped out....sorry but it is.

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  3. Too true, if push came to shove, I'd be down there in a heartbeat. We were freaked out enough driving to get out of the path of this storm. Sorry to hear of your first hand experience. I can't even imagine.

  4. Having been thru hurricanes and earthquakes, tornadoes scare the hell out of me. The unexpectedness and the total devastation they leave in their path just frighten me. I know that others feel that way about where I live so I guess to some degree it is what one is accustomed to that we fear less.

  5. I want to go to that yarn shop too and see all the cool things you took pictures. Glad you survived the tornado threat!!
