Wednesday, June 13, 2012

2nd monday at my house

perfect porch weather
Susans weavings
my table runner/linen warp, paper weft

spaced warp table runners/ one with hemp weft, one with paper weft

Joyces purse
many hands/old krokbragd textile of Kathy's

lavender lemonade
 What a sweet day.  Perfect weather to enjoy with friends on the porch.  Lunch was simple salad fixins and some great lavender lemonade.  I was going the healthy route and not doing any desserts; plus I was still feeling  entertainment traumatized from just hosting my daughters graduation party dinner.  Still can't figure out why everyone around here invites the whole bloody county to these things.  I am seriously going to work on bribing the last daughter into not doing the whole party thing.  Of course it is kind of like childbirth and in a couple of years I will probably forget just how painful it was; and do it one more time.
Anyway the no dessert thing was saved by Nan bringing a really great Mexican chocolate cake from the coop. Yea!
I always have to chuckle, whenever someone brings out something for show and tell,  everyones hands are usually in the pictures that I take, cause we must all touch whatever it is, immediately. So here's to good friends and more days soaking in summer on the porch.

1 comment:

  1. Angie, You left out the picture I took of the hostess with her dog and cat and camera, sitting on the porch swing! Come on! Susan
