Tuesday, June 26, 2012

summer solstice

square dancing to the Pie City Ramblers
Elin describing the  Danish tradition of burning the witch for good luck

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an incredible fireworks display

One of our weaver friends, Elin and her husband Bob threw the most wonderful  summer solstice party last weekend.  From the incredible potluck to the barn filled with square dancing to the Pie City Ramblers, to her beautiful hilltop setting, everything made for a perfect evening spent with friends.  How often do you get to dance around a fire after burning a witch to send her spirit to the sky, for good luck in the coming year?  All I could picture as we circled the fire was the book Where The Wild Things Are and Elin saying "Let the wild rumpus begin!"  And let me tell you, that was more wild rumpusing than I have done in many a moon!
And if that wasn't enough; to top the night off with an incredible 45 minute fireworks show, this was definitely a night to remember and a great way to celebrate Bob's retirement and your permanent move up to God's country.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, and we had a family wedding to attend. Looks like so much fun, so sorry to have missed it.
