Monday, November 18, 2013

2nd Monday at Denises'

So, with our first snowfall of the season a large group of fellow weavers journeyed to  Denise's newly purchased home, for our 2nd Monday gathering.  It was fun to welcome a few new faces and with many faces we don't see all that often; Denises' house was bursting at the seams with fiber conversations here, there, and everywhere. 
Welcoming Anna, Judith, Susanne, Keyena , and Diana and looking forward to new fiber friendships.  It is somewhat subversive and amazing how we manage to find each other.
There were lots of great foods shared but a highlight was the wonderful fall soup that Denise had cooking on the stove. It is a recipe from Mollie Katzen and is called Gypsy Soup.  Recipe here
Thanks Denise for your warm hospitality and if your house can survive this group, it can probably survive anything!

Denise is a talented cook as well as musician

Lovely rayon shawl made by Denise

Don't mess with Susan, she carries an iron in her bag (to tie fringes)
Olga modeling a reversible knit garment/ Elins naturally dyed yarns
Elins 3 dimensional wallhanging and cool metal thing of Denises'

Lovely wool overshot woven by Denise in a class at Sievers on Washington Island

Susan's  scarf and twig inspiration and her beautiful woven handwarmers

A couple of the newbies.  Judith with her lovely shawl and Anna showing us her almost finished knit top.

An angel and ram wet felted by Kris and a postcard Barb had printed of her amazing hats.

Kathy's differential felted fabric.
I must say that was a lot of fiber action for one little house to absorb.  I know when I stepped outside, I felt like I had left our own little world and was surprised that it was still winter outside. How rude...


  1. I am amazed and delighted at all the fiber activity going on in the Driftless. I am finally weaving again after the move to the big city, and your post and photos make me homesick, even if home is where you have your fibers! Have a safe and cozy winter and know that I think of your gang often.

  2. Glad to hear you are weaving again. You would really enjoy this group, but I am glad you can visit us in the virtual world. And you are so right, home is where your fiber is:)
