Sunday, December 15, 2013

2nd monday at Jean's

Another rather large group gathered at Jean's house last Monday.   These days of laughter and inspiration are so looked forward to by myself and I am sure all of us. With the days shortening and the cold becoming all encompassing, we need this lighthearted sharing to keep us on the somewhat sane track.  As Amy so well put it "I am so happy to be here I could just scream".
Jean's house was so fun to explore, I could just picture the years past, where her now grown children must have gathered around the table or found one of the many nooks and crannies for a  giddy game of hide and seek.  It is just that kind of house, that hangs on to those echos of the past, and makes it so evidently a house that is a home; in all of its warmth and charm.
Terry, Jean's husband made us some bread that is some of the best I have ever had; and Jean's soup was just what I needed on a cold winter's day.  I am only sorry I was too full and too ensconced in my corner at the table to try Keyena's Dal soup; it looked so good. My springerle cookies were a festive addition but Jean's Lithuanian cookies called Grybai looked just like mushrooms and were just enchanting.  I'll have to see if I can make them for our xmas eve party.  I was so enthusiastically eating that I almost forgot to take pictures, of the food anyway.  Lots of fibery goodies to show here, although they pop out so fast and furious that I am not always sure who brought some of them.  Anyway I  have never claimed to be an accurate documentor of our gatherings, but I hope you enjoy.
Lithuanian Grybai cookies

Sweet Amy/ Denise modeling 2 of my cowls/ felted boots for Amy's son/Amy's newest sculptures/ woven braclets by Judith

astrological needlepoint/sewn wallets and aprons by Anna/Jean's rep weave

Barb's newest rep weave/ Elins roving rugs

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